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C O N T E N I D O Saber, creencia y corporalidad PRESENTACIÓN Miruna Achim LAS ENTRAÑAS DEL PODER: UNA AUTOPSIA MICHOACANA DEL SIGLO XVIII Frida Gorbach MUJERES, MONSTRUOS E IMPRESIONES EN LA MEDICINA MEXICANA DEL SIGLO XIX Alexandra Stern MESTIZOFILIA, BIOTIPOLOGÃA Y EUGENESIA EN EL MÉXICO POSREVOLUCIONARIO: HACIA UNA HISTORIA DE LA CIENCIA Y EL ESTADO, 1920-1960 Héctor Santiesteban EL MONSTRUO Y SU SER 11 15 39 57 93 C O N T E N I D O D O C U M E N T O HALLAZGO DE UN MANUSCRITO INÉDITO DEL DOCTOR FRANCISCO HERNÃNDEZ: MATERIA MEDIÇINAL DE LA NUEUA ESPAÑA (Presentación de Miguel Figueroa-Saavedra) M I S C E L à N E A Mario Teodoro Ramírez EL TIEMPO DE LA TRADICIÓN Carlos Herrejón Peredo MARCEL BATAILLON Y EL HUMANISMO MEXICANO EN EL SIGLO XVI María Aparecida de S. Lopes LA ECONOMÃA GANADERA EN CHIHUAHUA: LINEAMIENTOS GENERALES EN LA SEGUNDA MITAD DEL SIGLO XIX R E S E Ñ A S Graciela Alcalá Moya CON EL AGUA HASTA LOS APAREJOS. PESCADORES Y PESQUERÃAS EN EL SOCONUSCO, CHIAPAS, 127 161 187 201 233 México, Centro de Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social, Centro de Investigaciones en Alimentación y Desarrollo y Centro de Investigaciones Superiores de México y Centroamérica de la Universidad de Ciencias y Artes del Estado de Chiapas, 1999 (MARIO H. RUZ, CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS MAYAS, UNAM) Javier Pérez Siller (coord.) MÉXICO-FRANCIA, MEMORIA DE UNA SENSIBILIDAD COMÚN, SIGLOS XIX-XX, México, BUAP, El Colegio de San Luis y CEMCA, 1998 (LAURA CHÃZARO, EL COLEGIO DE MICHOACÃN) Antonio Rubial García LA SANTIDAD CONTROVERTIDA, HAGIOGRAFÃA Y CONCIENCIA CRIOLLA ALREDEDOR DE LOS VENERABLES NO CANONIZADOS DE NUEVA ESPAÑA, México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras y Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1999 (MANUEL RAMOS MEDINA, CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS DE HISTORIA DE MÉXICO, CONDUMEX) C O N T E N I D O 238 245 ABSTRACTS This issue focuses on questions concerning the human body. The collection of articles was made possible through the auspices of Laura Cházaro, a Professor and Researcher at the Center for Studies of Tradition at El Colegio de Michoacán. She convened the majority of the contributors to our Monographs section, all of whom are specialists in the history of science. Miruna Achim opens up the chest containing the incorruptible viscera of an early 18th-century bishop described in Voces de Tritòn Sonoro que da desde la Santa Iglesia de Valladolid de Michoacán la incorrupta y viva sangre del Illmo. Señor doctor don Juan Josè de Escalona y Calafayud (1744) [“The Voices of Sonorous Triton which give forth from the Sacred Church of Valladolid in Michoacán the uncorrupted and live blood of the Illustrious doctor don Juan José de Escalona y Calafayud], by the Augustinian chronicler, friar Mathías de Escobar. Enriched principally with medical writings from New Spain, in her article the author analyzes a compendium of practices and beliefs related to the body, as they converged upon the corpse of that Bishop of Michoacán. In an essay concerning physicians, women, freaks and moral and physical impressions, Frida Gorbach evaluates the influence of Aristotelian ideas upon medical thought in Mexico at the end of the 19th century and traces the evolution of the struggle undertaken by teratologists –specialists in the study of corporal anomalies and monstrosities– against them. According to the author, this struggle led to new practices that, by circumscribing the body and regulating its conduct, imposed a new typology in which women –liberated from the responsibility of conceiving a freak through epigenism– appear to bear the guilt for their formation or deformation. Héctor Santiesteban offers us a philosophical study of the nature of monsters or the so-called freaks of nature, in which he reflects upon the freak from different planes, representing different sciences and disciplines. This essay articulates topics such as the creation of freaks, their nature, and the freak in relation to the concept of nature. On the basis of abundant references from western history that echo this question, the author leads us to see these creatures –in a certain sense– as a mirror of man. The study by Alexandra Sterna explores the areas of science and medicine in post-revolutionary Mexico and attempts to reconstruct and analyze the links among eugenics, racialization and State formation. The author begins with an analysis of the mestizophilia of the 1920-1940 period and then reviews the biotypology that emerged as an alternative to mestizophilia and later came to form an integral part of State projects, with eugenics as its companion. This article highlights the contradictions that Mexican eugenicists confronted in their attempt to develop an objective social language, free of the racisms that then characterized the United States and Europe. On this occasion, our Miscellaneous section includes three articles. In “El tiempo de la tradiciòn†[The Time of Tradition] Mario Teodoro Ramírez proposes a concept of tradition that attempts to supersede the dispute between conservatism and enlightenment. This is done with the support of hermeneutics; that privileged discipline of access to a tradition whose own time is the present, and which is far from being something finished or definitive. It is presented here as a valuable working instrument for the Social Sciences. The author follows quite closely the treatises of Hans Georg Gadamer, Jürgen Habermas and Paul Ricoeur. The second contribution, by Carlos Herrejón, was originally presented as a paper in the Journées Marcel Bataillon meeting in Paris, in May 1995. Its publication here is most timely, given the renewed interest in millenary movements, which constitute one of the principal topic areas discussed. The objective of the article is to analyze the contributions of the historian Marcel Bataillon to Mexican humanism in the16th century. The final article of this issue presents a study by María Aparecida de S. Lopes on cattle raising in Chihuahua at the end of the 19th century. The author deals with the difficulties imposed by the limited access to sources that, moreover, are ridden with falsehoods and other problems. The text focuses on the commercial circuits with the United States and the problems of a political kind that arose from livestock raising on large northern ranches. Relaciones is honored to announce that the article “Un desconocimiento peligroso: la Nueva Vizcaya en la cartografía y los grandes textos europeos de los siglos XVI y XV†[“ADangerous Ignorance: New Biscayne in the cartography and great European texts of the 16th and 17th centuriesâ€] by Chantal Cramaussel, published in issue no. 75, “Historia y Geografía,†summer 1998, vol. XIX, recently won the award for the best article on the history of New Spain, granted by the Mexican Committee for Historical Studies [Comité Mexicano de Ciencias Históricas]. ILUSTRACIONES DE ESTE NÚMERO PAGINA 3: Joseph Wright of derby, La enfermera corintia, 1783-1784, óleo, Washington, National Gallery of Art, Paul Mellon Collection, en Barbara Maria Stafford, Body Criticism, Imaging the Unseen in Enlightenment Art and Medicine, Cambridge, MIT Press, 1993, p. 99. PAGINAS 6, 7, 8: Ephraim Chambrers, Cyclopedia, 1738, I, grabado, en Body Criticism..., pp. 148, 167. PAGINA 9: Mujer hotentote, en Londa Schiebinger, Nature´s body, Gender in the making of Modern Science, Boston, Beacon Press, p. 167. PAGINA 15: Giovanni Aldini, Galvanic Experiments, de Essai théorique et experimentale sur le galvanisme, 1834, I, fig. 4, grabado, en: Body Criticism..., p. 410. PAGINA 39: “Jose. Idiota microcéfaloâ€, Gaceta médica de México, 1 de agosto, 1872, pp. 269. PAGINA 57: Leopoldo Marco Antonio Galdani, Gravid Uterus, de Icones anatomicae, 1810, III, fig. 151, grabado de Felix Zuliani, en Body Criticism..., p. 247. PAGINA 93: Pierre Boaistuau, El monstruo de Krakow, de Histories prodigieuses, Wellcome MS 136, fol. [29v], Londres, Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine (1559), en Lorraine Daston, Wonders and the order of nature 1150-1750, Nueva York, Zone Books, 1998, p. 184. PAGINA 127: Matthaus Greuter, Physician Curing Fantasy, siglo XVII, grabado, Filadelfia, Museum of Art, en Body Criticism..., p. 154. PAGINA 161: Francisco de Goya, Hasta la muerte, de Los Caprichos, 1799, acuatinta, National Gallery of Art, en Body Criticism..., p. 183. PAGINA 231: Honoré Daumier, Misantropia, de L’imagination, 1833, litografía, en Body Criticism..., p. 198.